Entrepreneur of the Month — Ayzha Jones: The Fleur Rebelle

Meet Ayzha Jones of The Fleur Rebelle

MeaResea Homer
5 min readJul 3, 2019

Wize Media’s June 2019 Entrepreneur of the Month is Ayzha Jones, founder and CEO of The Fleur Rebelle. Launching in January of this year, Ayzha started her business in order to “bring affordable, quality products to women who are graduating [from] college, starting internships, or whatever their journey may be.” I had the chance to interview her to get to know more about The Fleur Rebelle and her experience so far as an entrepreneur.

“I want the world to know that, as women, we are delicate and loving, BUT we are also tough and will not remain silent.”

The Fleur Rebelle founder, Ayzha Jones. Photo courtesy of Ayzha Jones.

MH: What is the inspiration behind the name “The Fleur Rebelle?”

AJ: “Fleur Rebelle” means rebellious flower. I fell in love with the term a few years ago and wanted to incorporate it into something in my life…but wasn’t sure what. When I finally decided to start an accessory business, I knew that had to be the name. I plan to create a platform that is inspirational to young women of color. I want the world to know that, as women, we are delicate and loving, BUT we are also tough and will not remain silent.

MH: You offer limited and custom products on your site. It sort of reminds me of shopping in an online boutique. What inspires the type of products that you sell? How long does it take to get the products from start to finish?

AJ: Every season, I research what trends and colors are in style. It typically takes me a month or so to decide what I want to release with each collection, which is why I recently made the decision to release each item as it resonates with my soul instead of seasonally. I try to stick with my own chic, minimalist style when it comes to the items I release. There isn’t an item on the website I would not wear myself. I always want people to know that I’m putting my heart into it. I also survey people in my inner circle to get their opinions on my ideas and get their ideas also. Once I’ve finally decided, we begin planning, pricing and budgeting.

“I dedicate all the time I can to ensure my business is successful.”

Products from thefleurebelle.com. Handwoven rattan Crossbody (top left), Square handwoven rattan (top right), Marble Crossbody (bottom right). Photo courtesy of Ayzha Jones.

MH: It seems like a lot of people don’t really understand the long hours and behind-the-scenes work that goes into being an entrepreneur. How many hours per day/week would you say that you spend working on your business?

AJ: I work a regular 9–5 Monday through Friday, but every other hour/day is spent working on my business. Whether it’s learning new ways to market, pop up shops/networking events, or packaging orders, I dedicate all the time I can to ensure my business is successful.

MH: Did you have any doubts before launching your business? If so, how did you overcome them?

AJ: I had several doubts before launching The Fleur Rebelle. However, I’m a firm believer in “When God says yes, no one can say no.” I also have the absolute best support system. My family kept me moving forward the times I felt that being an entrepreneur wasn’t for me.

Engravable Bar necklace. Photo courtesy of Ayzha Jones.

MH: What were some of the challenges that you faced when first starting up?

AJ: Well, to start, I had a business partner and we both had a very different vision for the business. A few weeks after our launch, we decided to part ways. With that being said, I had no idea how to run an accessory business by myself. We both had chosen different “specialties.” So, once we parted ways, I had to learn everything that was her [responsibility].

MH: What has been your greatest challenge so far?

AJ: I would say staying consistent with posting on social media.

“Once you start, it’ll only get better from there.”

MH: Where do you see The Fleur Rebelle five years from now?

AJ: The Fleur Rebelle will have a storefront somewhere in Atlanta or Los Angeles.

MH: What would be your advice to anyone who may want to start a business?

AJ: Just go for it. Your launch, first collection, first tattoo, first anything won’t be your best… but once you start, it’ll only get better from there. So just START.

Three main things to remember from this interview:

Roots of Africa Necklaces. Photo courtesy of Ayzha Jones.

Your heart has to be in it. As Ayzha shared, her goal is to make other women feel great about themselves and giving others that confidence takes a lot of heart, which she definitely has.

Being an entrepreneur is hard work; you have to put in the time even if you barely have it.

It is important to set goals for your business. It’s fine to have an idea, but it’s imperative to keep up with the market and evolve as a brand by introducing new and fresh ideas, content, or products.

Hopefully, Ayzha’s story will inspire one of our readers to finally get their black business off the ground and running!

The Fleur Rebelle logo. Photo courtesy of Ayzha Jones.

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MeaResea Homer

A recent college graduate, MeaResea prides herself in sharing information related to economic empowerment, financial literacy, & pop culture think pieces.